New Moon bettdal albuma:
1. Death Cab for Cutie - Meet Me On the Equinox
2. Band of Skulls - Friends
3. Thom Yorke - Hearing Damage
4. Lykke Li - Possibility
5. The Killers - A White Demon Love Song
6. Anya Marina - Satellite Heart
7. Muse - I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)
8. Bon Iver & St. Vincent - Rosyln
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Done All Wrong
10. Hurricane Bells - Monsters
11. Sea Wolf - The Violet Hour
12. OK Go - Shooting the Moon
13. Grizzly Bear (with Victoria Legrand) - Slow Life
14. Editors - No Sound But the Wind
15. Alexandre Desplat - New Moon (The Meadow)